Agricultural Engineering
OFT: Direct seeding of paddy using drum seeder
‘On Farm Trial’ of drum seeder is being conducted in order to assess the direct seeding of paddy in upland conditions. Traditionally paddy nursery is prepared followed by transplanting of seedlings which is a labour intensive operation. As the wages are also raising due to labour scarcity this method is quite uneconomic.
Results of the OFT indicate that using a 4 row drum seeder, 0.64 ha area can be covered in a day. Labour requirement is reduced in direct seeding method to 4 man-days per ha as against 16 man-days in manual transplanting. Thus drum seeder can be perceived as an effective technology to deal with labour scarcity.
Front line demonstrations of Swastik Hoe
Earthing up is an important interculture operation in groundnut crop. It helps in higher pod formation as well as loosening of top soil. Manual earthing up is laborious and cumbersome operation. To introduce mechanization FLDs of Swastik hoe developed by Dr.B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli have been conducted at various farmers. Field capacity of the hoe is three times better than manual operation i.e. there is 60 % reduction in time required for earthing up. Also labour saving of upto 56 % has been observed.
Mechanized transplanting of paddy
Transplanting is a labour intensive operation that adds substantially to the production cost in rice cultivation. Machine transplanting is an upcoming viable alternative to this problem faced by many farmers. Every Kharif season demonstrations of transplanter and mat nursery preparation are organized by the KVK on its instructional farm as well as at farmers’ fields. 3 acres of transplanting can be accomplished with the 8 row transplanter with the help of 3 semi-skilled labour.